Bay Area Blitzkrieg Photos 2017-2021
About this page:
Photos will be added as time passes. They will be listed by years and then the dates taken (most often the meets). Submissions from
members and visitors are welcome. Photos should be at least 900 wide X 675 high (pixels) in either JPG or PNG format.
Larger, higher quality, photos are welcome. We will re-size and/or cropped to bring out the most detail and focus on the subjects. See the tips for taking photos below.
2021 Photos
2020 Photos
February 8, 2020 meet
March 9, 2020 meet
June 28, 2020 meet
July 12, 2020 meet
July 26, 2020 meet - no photos for this meet, however this link is to the video for that meet.
August 23, 2020
September 27, 2020 meet
October 11, 2020 meet
December 27, 2020 meet
2019 Photos
January 13, 2019 meet
February 10, 2019
March 10, 2019 meet
24, 2019 meet
26, 2019 meet
July 14, 2019 meet
July 28, 2019 meet
Sept 22, 2019 meet
November 24, 2019 meet
December 8, 2019 meet
2018 Photos
2017 Photos
Tips for taking photos:
The two pictures
below offer some hints at improving photography of models of the
tanks (and other items) at our meets. Photo on the left was taken
at a low angle, about 6 inches off the ground. (Ideal height is
about 4 inches, about the average height of a hand held camera using
a eyelevel viewfinder.)
A copy of the
photo was edited (now the right). The large foreground and the wood fence on the left was cropped out. The "giant" palm
tree was "brushed" out, and the photo was lightened a bit to
eliminate the harsh shadows and make the wheels more visable.
There are several obstructions at our sight, massive power towers and lines, the fence, parking lot, restroom, and nearby
trees. In order to get good photos we are limited to the field area in the background of the photos below. If you can, zoom in a bit to
narrow the field of view. If you are lose to the trees and shrubs in the background, using just the opposite, a wide angle, will
actually push the background further away making the trees look smaller so the height of the trees are less important (except trees
like the palm that exhibits a distinct outline). The trees could become trees on hills in the distance, more so for shrubs that now
become trees.
If you use a digital camera you can also make adjustments that will help keep the foreground and background more in focus together.
(Notice the German tanks are a little out of focus here.) That iswhy you should use Apperature
- to make your depth of field deeper (area that is in focus).
I should have used it here but I was just going around and taking photos.
Many take photos from a standing position with the camera in front of ones face or chest. Using that same idea think about where
the camera would be if you were 1/16 the height you are. 5 feet high off the fround now becomes 3-3/4 inches off the
ground. (Photo, right.) The wall in the background is 3-1/2 inches tall. So keep your camera very
low unless you want a "sky view".
AAlso, add some accessories to enhance the photo. For instance, in this photo a 1/18 scale Maisto metal 1939
automobile has been repainted; it is non-operating and just "for looks". The two soldier figures sit on a 3D printed set of
sandbags. The tree was sold at Christmas and it the right size.