(updated 9/19/2021)
"Springer" Tugs in the SSMBC:
SSMBC Springer Page:
SSMBC Springer
"Springer" class tugs are actually based on truckable towboats (also know as
truckable push boats). These ae from a design and
specifications developed by a model boater back in the 9180's in
California. The though was to have a competitive class by
maintain basic specifications (hull size and shape, motor, prop,
rudder, and a few other items). "Springers" could be used as a
rescue boat but many are used for competitive games such as water
polo, soccer, etc. The SSMBC-Springer page shows the
specifications for building your own Springer, either scratch or
from Zippkits.
Figures for Scale Model Boats
Trying to find how - what - where to make/buy/modify a model gigure ofr a scale boat? Check these out:
- Making/buying/Scaling for figures -
Printable directions
- Scale Figures for Model Boats -
Video (making figures from action figures)
(added 9/19/2021)
Member's Web Sites:
Model Boat Club Web Sites:
Model Boat Manufacturers and Retailers:
Banebots - good selection of motors (bought some nice motors from
them at a very good price)
Model Tanks: